Fun And Free Fourth Of July Printable Scavenger Hunt

I have quite a bit of kids, which means that Fourth Of July can seem like a really long day as we patiently wait for firework time. It gets dark late here so my kids will definitely be up past their bedtime just to have a night tight firework experience. Since I have a bunch of kids… 4 to be exact. I’m always planning ways to keep the waiting game fun for them. And to help stop all the “is it time” yet for anything. One of the ways I love doing that is making them some type of cute printable to distract them.

So today I decided a fun Fourth Of July scavenger hunt was needed. It’s got quite a bit of things on it so its sure to suit any tradition your family celebrates.

You can snag this free scavenger hunt by finding it in my free resource library. To access it all you need to do is scroll down and join my tribe. You will get a welcome email from me. It will have the password and link to my vault full of goodies. And then you go into my summer/Fourth of July section and download it. You’ll also gain access to all my other fun Printables. Lots of other scavenger hunts and bucket list can be found in there. I’ve been making them since 2018 so you know there’s a ton of freebies just waiting to be downloaded.

If you have any fun requests just comment below and let me know.

Until next time, live a life you love!

Xo Jessica!

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